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My art imitates life because it is representative of the diversity and inclusion of every culture, the backbone of what makes the world such an interesting place. The artistic irony and true narrative are reflected in the various stages during the execution of my process. My creations go through a regentrification process, and the intended result is a multi-cultural amalgamation of color that can be universally appreciated. My canvas is the only place I know where every color can exist in perfect harmony yet maintain its own individuality. It is the only place I know where I can mix, manipulate and integrate beautiful pigments and hues of colors, and every single color is equally significant. Each color has its own place and space and purpose and complements, respects and adds to the totality of the work. I try to do on canvas what we can’t seem to do on earth.

Self-Portrait 2008 36x60 acrylics on canvas - 1.jpg

InnerVisions: The Art of Reginald Laurent

Catalog of Reginal Laurent's art work. All rights reserved. Copyright 2009